A personalized and strategic content creation experience 

Cowork & Chill with Cheryl

Becoming recognized for your thought leadership starts with having a substantial, compelling, and consistent body of work.

CCC is a 1:1 program where I work with you as your creative and strategic content partner. 

You’ll get in-depth feedback on not just the content you’re writing during our coworking session, but also how this piece fits into your body of work and thought leadership strategy at large. 








You’re struggling to stay consistent with your content and marketing

You WANT to build your name and become a go-to in your niche or industry, but the process of creating content is just taking so damn long and you feel a lot of friction every, single, week

You LOVE the feeling of publishing new content and you are stoked to share your work online… But then you dread having to start the process all over again next week

Here’s what’s happening…

And here’s what you want: 

  • You want to NOT sound like every other entrepreneur giving out generic or basic how-to tips

  • You want to learn how to organize your content in a way that is not just clear and structured, but also very engaging for your audience

  • You want to be much faster and more efficient, especially when it comes to writing content (both long and short form) 

  • You want someone to tell you if you’re writing the right thing, if this sounds clear enough, and if what you’re talking about is too basic or generic

  • You want someone to give you tailored feedback and tell you what to improve on 

  • You want help getting all your best ideas out of your head because you lowkey don’t feel like what you have so far is good enough

  • You want to be more confident in your ideas and the stories you want to share because honestly, there’s a LOT you want to say... But you’re scared to share it

  • You want accountability - Someone who can kick your ass and get you to work when you want to potato and procrastinate instead


We’ll start by getting your BEST ideas and stories out of your head and onto paper. This process will also train you to see that you DO have brilliant perspectives inside your head. 


From here, we’ll structure your content and flush it out together from start to finish so it’s ready for posting by the end of the session. If you feel stuck on what to write, I’ll offer questions or a different perspective that will poke you to think deeper and keep writing. 

How CCC Works 


You don’t have time to waste on generic, surface level advice you can find on the internet - On our CCC sessions, I’ll be reviewing what you’re writing in real-time to make specific suggestions that bring out your voice, adds further depth and substance, and positions you as THE person your clients want to work with. I’ll also explain why I made certain suggestions.


You will know exactly what to do and what to submit for further feedback before our next 1:1 session. We will take into consideration your weekly schedule, capacity, and other time constraints to ensure that your action items are manageable. 

Our CCC sessions are designed to eliminate uncertainty and give you absolute certainty and confidence over what you’re publishing and sharing with your audience and potential clients.

This is what we do in CCC. 

And no, I’m not *just* going to be “chilling” and staring at you while you type furiously on your keyboard during the session 👀

Instead, I’ll be prompting you with thought-provoking questions the entire time so we can get your most brilliant ideas out of you

I’ll also be scanning your work on the spot to analyze where you’re sounding like someone else (instead of writing in your unique, authentic voice) and providing feedback in real time on where and how we can elevate the depth and caliber of your content.

Ultimately, I’ll be training you to hone in on the biggest issues and opportunities related to your body of work and learn to critically see your content from different angles.

The goals you wrote out at the beginning of the year aren’t going to happen just because you wrote them down in your journal.

It happens when you understand how to write high quality content that highlights your thought leadership…

AND continue to consistently build a substantial and compelling body of work around your thought leadership

No part of your online body of work is off limits. You get to decide what aspects of your body of work to receive comprehensive feedback and recommendations for. 

Here’s some of what CCC clients have worked on inside the program:

  • LinkedIn newsletters/articles 
  • LinkedIn posts
  • Instagram posts 
  • Instagram stories scripts 
  • Emails 
  • Website and sales pages
  • Podcast scripts
  • Youtube scripts  

What we can cowork on in CCC



CCC is most effective for peeps in the following stages: 


You have an idea but you need someone to kick your ass into action and start developing + packaging your ideas into compelling content pieces. Execution and accountability are what you’re looking for

CCC will specifically help you with accountability, being consistent with execution, and starting to build your name around your subject matter 


You’ve been posting consistently but are struggling to build traction with your audience… And you can’t help but question everything you post

Differentiating your work from others in your niche is going to be a core focus for us. We’ll also be paying close attention to how to showcase your unique story, perspectives, and skills/expertise in a way that lets you build rapport and resonance with your peeps. 


You’ve been stuck in a plateau and now it’s time to rebuild momentum through your content. You know what to do, but you’d love to have someone work closely with you and support you as you pick things back up again

We will explore where the disconnect is happening between 1) you and your content, and 2) your audience and your content → Translate all of this into weekly content pieces that not only add value and set you apart, but also let you feel reignited about your work


You’ve been hitting your goals and things are working… But as a solopreneur, you’re finding it hard to make time to be creative and work on the other parts of your business that can take your business to the next level. 

CCC will be your superpower in getting ALLLLL the things done. GET EXCITED because you’re going to be able to *finally* make space for the ✨✨✨ projects that you’ve been putting on the back burner 

Learning to write compelling content that showcases your thought leadership is going to become your greatest asset moving forward. 

It’s time to commit to building a strong, compelling, and substantial body of work NOW so that you are 

✨ Kickstarting your track record of thought leadership 

✨ Building credibility within your industry 

✨ Setting yourself up for opportunities such as clients, speaking engagements, and building your professional network 

But in the real world, we as entrepreneurs, creators, and corporate professionals do not have someone critically reviewing our content. 

Hi, I’m Cheryl 

Back when I was in academia, I wrote manuscripts for my supervisor and team, which we’d then submit to academic journals for review and eventually for publication. 

More often than not, the journal reviewers did NOT hold back. 

The reviewer’s job is to offer constructive feedback to help their academic colleagues write better and push out the most compelling work possible so it can ultimately be published in academic journals

Getting published in peer-reviewed journals is NECESSARY for researchers to get their work and findings out to their scientific colleagues and to the general public. 

And guess what? Getting published is necessary… And so is the reviewing process

It is CRUCIAL to have your work reviewed to ensure that you’re putting out the highest quality work and making a positive contribution to your field. 

Thanks to the reviewers, not only do you get your work published, but you’re also confident that you’re showcasing your best work because the reviewers had already carefully scrutinized every single sentence and identified ways to improve the structure, flow, and overall substance of your paper. 

That’s the norm in academia. 
And that leaves many of us wondering…

Is my content even good?
What are people thinking of what I posted? 
Maybe I shouldn’t post my next content piece yet… I need to edit it more first…

We all know there are ways we can improve… But more often than not, we can’t pinpoint what our own gaps are. 

This is exactly where COWORK & CHILL with Cheryl (CCC) comes into play. 

CCC is a 1:1 program where I work with you as your creative and strategic content partner. 

In our CCC sessions, we will work together to structure your content and flush it out from start to finish so it’s ready for posting by the end of the session. If you feel stuck on what to write, I’ll offer questions or a different perspective that will poke you to think deeper and keep writing. 

I’ll also be reviewing what you’re writing in real-time to make specific suggestions that bring out your voice, add further depth and substance, and position you as THE person your clients want to work with. 

12 sessions of 1:1 calls with a coach who will :

  • Highlight the things you’re awesome at and help you bring out even more of that

  • Identify the gaps in your content

  • Bolster your confidence in your own story and ideas

  • Offer specific suggestions to sharpen and tighten up the language you’re using in your content

Private messaging and content feedback support between sessions to answer ongoing questions, provide tailored reviews on your work, etc

The Logistics 

Book a Discovery Call

Your next step is to book a free discovery call where we will get to know each other and to explore how CCC can specifically help you build a strong, compelling body of work that builds your thought leadership


Stop guessing whether your content is good or not. In CCC, we will write your weekly content together and workshop in real time on the specific areas for improvement.

As we co-create your content pieces together, you’ll also get tailored feedback on how to sharpen your unique voice, improve the clarity and structure of your ideas, and critically evaluate your content so you are putting out content that represents the quality and unique value that you bring to your clients and industry.  




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